Product Update October 2020: Data Glossary – Bringing Clarity to Features, Genres, and Motivations

The latest feature we’re bringing to GameRefinery is a little bit different this time.

Over the past months, we’ve introduced multiple new features ranging from revamped download and revenue estimates to analyst comments and player motivations. As we introduce these new data points to the service, clarity has always been one of our driving points. 

This is why we’re now adding all our definitions to the Data Glossary.

Data Glossary is a database of all core definitions in the GameRefinery platform:

  1. What features we track
  2. Sub-genre definitions
  3. Motivations

As a nice bonus, we’re expanding the video archive for service feature introductions and onboardings to the Data Glossary as well!

In this blog post, we’ll briefly go through the different sections of the Data Glossary, which are available for all GameRefinery users!


We currently track 260 individual features in the service, and are continually adding more. We have frequently received feedback on having all these features listed on a single page to help find the proper feature you’re looking for. Now, you can instantly access all the 260 features and their definitions on the Data Glossary’s starting page. And you can filter out the most important ones using our feature sets & tags.

Game features and their definitions on GameRefinery's Data Glossary

Click the feature to access definitions, historical performance, and implementations for the specific feature! 

As a cool trick, you can copy the URL when you click a feature and share it with the team!

Battle Pass definition and implementation on Data Glossary

An example definition for customizable player avatars 😊 


As sub-genres are feature-driven in GameRefinery, you can find clear definitions for each genre & sub-genre under this tab. We always provide a general description for each genre and a more detailed sub-genre overview with examples 😊 

Hyper casual genre description

See hyper casuals as an example.


We recently introduced motivations as a new part of our service to understand WHY users like to play all the different types of mobile games and understand these trends based on motivational drivers. 

Motivational player drivers for Expressionist archetype in GameRefinery's service

Under the motivations-tab, you’ll find clear definitions for all 12 motivational drivers and eight player archetypes.

There is a map of what motivates each archetype, examples of games this archetype plays, features they enjoy, and information on the archetype’s player demographic.

Tutorial Videos 

GameRefinery is getting bigger with each newly added feature, and there are often different use-cases and ways to use these tools. So to make finding everything a bit e easier, we’re compiling all our existing and future tutorial videos to the last tab of the data glossary.

Service tutorials in Data Glossary

These videos will help you get started with each tool and get the most out of the GameRefinery platform!

To sum up

We hope that Data Glassory gives new insights into our definitions across the platform. – what features we track, how we define them, and the key requirements for each sub-genre our analyst teams actively follow. 

If you have any questions regarding the data or the service, don’t hesitate to send us a message! 

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