September 2020 Product Update: Analyst Overview & Comments to summarize everything you need to know!

One of the best parts of developing GameRefinery as a service is the constant feedback and suggestions we hear from you, our users. This feedback helps our development tremendously develop new ways to make the data more accessible and understandable for everyone!

One recurring piece of feedback has been about quickly summarizing the game’s core information, mechanics, and importantly monetization, and secondly, to also summarize the updates of the game. These become even more important if we would like to take a closer look at Chinese games that are not accessible due to VPN issues or language barriers.

To help our users, we are happy to announce the introduction of Analyst Overview & comments! 

When our analyst team members add new games or update old ones, they share their key takes on that specific game! 

Check out our featured game’s SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-offs Analyst Overview!

The Analyst Overview helps you to summarize specific games quickly:

  • Genre & style
  • Features & progression
  • Monetization
  • Special notes  

Our goal is to begin introducing Analysts Overviews first to all top-grossing and interesting games.

Naturally, as time goes by, the total amount of Overviews will increase! 

These comments are for all the markets we currently cover, so if you have access to Chinese or Japanese markets you can expect to see comments there too!

Analyst Comments summarize everything you need to know about the specific update added to a game!

Analyst Comments help you quickly digest if a specific update had an event, how the new feature feels, or anything that our analysts consider important for you to know! When we write Analyst Comments, we focus on highlighting if anything new and specifically interesting was added to the game

This gives an entirely new dimension to your browsing and learning experience in Daily Insights when you keep up with what’s happening in the market!

Some FAQ

Where can I read the Analyst Overviews?

Completed Analyst Overviews are available from the front page of the specific game’s Game overview page.

Where can I read the Analyst Comments?

Analyst comments are available in Daily Insights, Game Update Impacts, and the games’ Game Overview pages. Pretty much everywhere where you can access updates!

How do I know if the game has an Analyst Overview available?

The quickest way is to check its game overview page! 

Additionally, games which have a comment available are marked with a special icon in the following features:

  • Market Share
  • Top Grossing
  • Market Explorer
  • Competitors-tab

How do I know if there is an Analyst Comment for an update?

All updates which have an Analyst Comment are marked with a special icon on their Game Overview pages.

How much do Analyst Overviews and Comments cost?

They are free! Naturally, you might need to unlock the game first to read them if you don’t have an unlimited follow-games package. 

Which markets are supported?

All of them! This means that you can read Analyst Overviews and Comments on top-grossing games in Japan, China, and the United States just to name a few! This of course requires you to have access to those markets. 

Final words

We are happy to bring features many of our users have requested. We want the Analyst Overviews and Comments to be a crucial part of our service and our users’ experience when browsing through, dissecting, and analyzing interesting games!

Let us know what your thoughts are about the Analyst Overviews and Comments! Your feedback is highly appreciated! 😊 Get in touch

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