Episode 35: April Fools, Christmas, and Golden Week – Discussing Seasonal Events in 2022

Mobile GameDev Playbook podcast by GameRefinery

In this episode of the Mobile GameDev Playbook, we’re joined by GameRefinery, a Liftoff company, analysts Erno Kiiski and Sonja Skoglund, who will be discussing seasonal events in mobile games.

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We will cover noteworthy events, interesting trends, and what these events may look like in the future for the three major markets – the USA, Japan, and China.

You can also watch the episode on YouTube:

Topics we will cover in this episode:

  1. Introduction
  2. Different types of seasonal events
  3. What seasonal events look like in the Japanese market
  4. Seasonal events: if you’re not doing them, your competitors are
  5. Can there be too many seasonal events?
  6. Finding opportunities in smaller seasonal events
  7. Using seasonal events to bring diversity to your game
  8. How to fit seasonal events into your existing event calendar

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