2022 was the year of learning and supporting our existing customers here at GameRefinery. Throughout the year, one topic always came up in customer conversations. Liveops, LiveOps and LiveOps.
By the end of 2022, we had a clear vision of what we could do to support our existing and future users: Live Events Tracker.

What is the live events tracker?
The live events tracker is the sum of the best parts of GameRefinery. It combines our manual and qualitative approach to features and live events top developers use in their games.
In essence, it allows you to see, analyze and understand the live events catering of the top mobile games, which we track in a calendar view with a full event breakdown!
How does the Live Events Tracker work, and where do you get the data?
Quite simple: We utilize our analyst teams to play the games daily. This way, we have a 360 view and understanding of what events take place, how those events work, and most importantly, how long those events last. Like with any feature data in our GameRefinery platform, we document these events to you in the form of screenshots and analyst comments.

What can the Live Events Tracker be used for?
The use cases can be split into two areas, discovery and research.
If you want to discover how competitors or top games run their LiveOps, the Live Events Tracker gives you a comprehensive way to analyze trends, identify patterns and understand how LiveOps is conducted in certain genres’ top games. Very nifty way to, for example, map out LiveOps requirements and content of your next live event project, which is moving to LiveOps.
If you have a game in LiveOps and want to learn from your competitors, such as what features they use, or want to understand how they schedule or plan their LiveOps, the Live Events Tracker gives you an in-game level view.

What kind of data is available?
For each game event we track, we have a comprehensive list of:
- All the LiveOps features we see used in the game
- Analyst comments on how the event works
- Screenshots of the specific event
- Instances – How many times in the past the same event has been used
In addition, on a game level, we are also tracking:
- Download and revenue changes
- Top in-app purchases
- Client/feature patches and game versions available for the public
For multiple games or genres selected, you can analyze the statistics:
- Analyze the average number of events on a daily basis
- Most used event types by popularity
- Average durations per event type

All right, this sounds awesome! How do I get access?
The Live Event Tracker is available for new and old users starting immediately. Contact our sales team about how your GameRefinery package can be upgraded to include access to all our live event data!