2021 Mobile GameDev Seminar Recordings
Missed the event or want to re-watch some of your favorite presentations? Here are the recordings of our 2021 Mobile GameDev Seminar’s talks.
Prototype or hack? Ideation as a discipline
Matthew Buxton, Game Design Director at Rovio
Live Ops – Maybe we were born to run?
Christopher Fady, Director of Products at Gameloft
A simple flow on running new Live Ops, from getting references to set up and segmentation, and a call for using non-dev friendly tools.
Games Marketing Insights for 2021
Chloé Gingrich, Vertical Insights Marketing Strategist at Facebook Gaming
Social 2.0
Kalle Heikkinen, Senior Game Analyst (CN) at GameRefinery
Mobile games have seen a noticeable rise in the inclusion of social features. While Covid has undoubtedly increased this need for people to play together, we believe that it has merely accelerated the move towards greater inclusion of social features that have been growing pre-pandemic. In this talk, we’ll look at this trend and why that is.
Monetization Strategies that Drive Revenue
Nathaniel Barker, Director of Business Development at Kolibri Games
Bridging the gap between creativity and performance:
7 best practices
Lena Kordbacheh, Strategic Partnerships Lead at Luna Labs
In this session, Lena Kordbacheh walks you through some of the best practices, from design tips to optimisation techniques, the team at Luna has seen — enabling you to build the most engaging user experience and highly-performant playable ads possible.
Guidelines for presenting features & game ideas
Frederik Drabert, Game Lead at Rovio
2021 Trends on Mobile
Michail Katkoff, Founder of Deconstructor of Fun
Discussions with the GameRefinery’s Game Analysts
During the breaks between the presentations, GameRefinery’s game analysts had short discussions on current trends in mobile gaming.
Starting from 00:07
In the first break, Senior Game Analysts (US market) Wilhelm and Erno talk about Strategy Hybridization – what it actually means and what is driving the current hybridization trend. The analysts also talk about Battle Pass, its popularity, and why it seems to fit almost any genre. In the end, Wilhelm and Erno give some interesting Battle Pass implementation examples.
Starting from 14:00
During the second break, Senior Game Analyst (CH market) Kalle and Wilhelm discuss seasonal and promotional events – what we are currently seeing in the markets in terms of seasonal and promotional events and what exciting examples the analysts have recently seen. Also, Kalle talks about some of the biggest seasonal events in Asia that are not so well-known in the West.
Starting from 19:32
During the last break, Kalle and Erno talk about Genshin Impact and why the game is so special. The analysts also discuss how the game has evolved since its launch and what we can expect for Genshin Impact in the future.
Awards Ceremony
Mobile GameDev Awards 2021
We announce the winners of the Mobile GameDev Awards 2021. More info about the awards here.