Episode 52: Exploring the Top Five Trends That Dominated 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, we’ll uncover the latest trends dominating mobile games and driving changes within the industry in this episode. We’ll explore the innovative ways games differentiate themselves in the market and elevate player engagement and reflect on the standout moments in the mobile gaming industry in 2023.

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Join industry experts Teemu Palomäki, Chief Game Analyst, and Inka Reinola, Game Analyst at GameRefinery, a Liftoff Company, as they reflect on the industry’s standout moments and challenges in 2023, including the revival of iconic franchises on mobile platforms, the decline in hypercasual games, and the rise of merge gaming.

You can also watch the episode on YouTube:

Topics we will cover in this episode:

  1. Introduction
  2. Shifting to hybrid-casual games
  3. Making games deeper
  4. Engagement trends and market findings
  5. Challenges in launching games
  6. Mobile gaming trends in Japan
  7. Location-based gaming in Japan
  8. Rise of merge gaming
  9. Narrative and AI in gaming
  10. IP-based games
  11. The success of Monopoly GO

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