Episode 46: Unveiling the Top 3 Mobile Game Studio Secrets for Engaging Live Events

In this episode, we will be delving into the latest trends in LiveOps and how game studios are utilizing live events to increase player engagement and revenue. Expert analysts from GameRefinery, a Liftoff Company, will discuss GameRefinery’s new Live Events Tracker tool, which enables game developers to stay ahead of the competition by comparing and analyzing live events across various games and genres. 

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In the wake of Apple’s groundbreaking App Tracking Transparency framework, it has become more important than ever for game developers to retain their players and find new ways to generate income. Join us as we unravel the remarkable advantages of leveraging live events to captivate players, designing successful events and how to use analytics to enhance your LiveOps strategy effectively.

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Topics we will cover in this episode:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the App Tracking Transparency framework
  3. Categorizing Live Events
  4. Core Loop Supporting Events
  5. Leaderboard Competitions and Boost Events
  6. Managing Live Events for Optimal Results
  7. How can game developers benefit from Live Events Tracker?

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